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Showing posts from August, 2012

Sample Letter of Salary Increment

Dear Mr. Y, It is my sincere pleasure to be part of your company and to work as Purchaser for Food Division. I have been employed with your company since September 2011, during my interview and commencement to absorb the position being performed now, I was promised for an evaluation of performance to receive an increment. I have asked your good office for this matter however I did not proceed further as I understand the situation of the company. Now I am few days away to reach 1 year, and I believed that for the past almost 1 year, I have given and performed to the highest level my abilities, performing job beyond what is required and doing things with thoughts on how to help improve the company’s growth. I did all the best of ways I know to help the company earn more and lessen the expense in purchasing our goods. I have been sincere and dedicated while performing my job at work. For this reason, I would like to request you to kindly consider raising my salary of USD1000. I am h